
Member Handbook (EOC)

Select your health plan to view the Member Handbook (EOC)


Public program for low income people

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CommuniCare Advantage

Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits

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Community y Más

Medicare plan for chronic care needs

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Add or Change CPT Codes in Existing Authorization

Resources for Providers

Add or Change CPT Codes in Existing Authorization

Add Units to CPT Code

Multiple CPT codes will be separated by commas. The format will be "99000, 99001, 99002"

Add CPT Codes (Please make sure that the additional CPT codes are a covered benefit)

Multiple CPT codes will be separated by commas. The format will be "99000= 99001, 99001= 99002"

Change Units to CPT Code

Multiple CPT codes will be separated by commas. The format will be "99000, 99001, 99002"

Change CPT Codes (Please make sure that the additional CPT codes are a covered benefit)

Multiple CPT codes will be separated by commas. The format will be "99000= 99001, 99001= 99002"

Contact Information of the Requesting Personnel

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